Hastings Independents Launch ‘Town-Wide Debates’

Dear Hastings Independents supporter,

Our first open debate took place on Saturday and it was great to see a full house at ‘His Place’ for a passionate and well-informed discussion about housing. We will circulate a detailed note of all the ideas and suggestions, which will be taken forward by Simon Willis in his work on improving housing supply and services.

I was also able to update the meeting on new proposals to be agreed by the Council this evening to double council tax on empty homes from April, and on second homes from next year, as part of our drive to have every possible property in Hastings used to house people.

And to remind everyone that the final budget report, which I am bringing to Full Council next week, sets a stable balanced budget for the next three years, removing any threat to government interference, whilst protecting frontline services.

All the details are in this newsletter, along with updates on Maya’s campaign to stop people having to live with black mould.

Don’t forget, if you are interested in standing as a Hastings Independent candidate in the local elections in May, please drop me a line by Friday 16th.

Look forward to seeing many of you at our next debate, which will focus on sport and culture. Date tbc.

Paul Barnett

Hastings Independents at Hastings Borough Council

Hastings Borough Council's draft budget will be discussed by Cabinet members tonight, Monday 12 February at Muriel Matters House from 6pm.

The Coalition Cabinet will be discussing policy bought by Independent Cllrs:

to introduce a 100% premium for all properties that are empty for a year from 1 April 2024 as well as a 100% premium on second homes from April 2024.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the Cabinet meeting and ask questions. You can also watch online, and read the full reports online.

HI ‘Town-wide Debates

Town-wide Debates’ hosted by Hastings Independents kicked off on Saturday at ‘His Place’ with the theme of housing & homelessness.

Hastings Independents plan to host regular ‘Town-wide Debates’, the next one will be in Hollington on the theme of Play Facilities, Sports & Leisure, date TBC.

Damp & Black Mould Campaign

On Saturday ‘XR Housing Rebellion’ in Hollington heard from Southern Housing residents across the town living with severe black mould in their homes.

Ore resident Victoria appeared on the BBC News shaming her landlords Southern Housing who have allowed her to live with sever black mould in her grandsons' bedroom. The six-month-old developed bronchitis over the Christmas, and now has asthma.

Victoria was decamped to the Travelodge for 6 weeks, where 12 other Hastings families were also being temporarily housed. The hotel wouldn’t allow food in the rooms or equipment to sterilise the baby’s bottle. The nightly canteen menu was chips & burgers.

A Southern Housing black wash repair finally took place the day before Victoria and her three children and 6-month-old grandson were allowed to move back home.

As a councillor for Hollington I hear these damning cases regularly.

If you know of anyone living in black mould then please contact me immediately: cllr.maya.evans@hastings.gov.uk  Tel: 07973 484 202

I am collecting case evidence of black mould and winning compensation for residents.

I have had enough of slum landlords and the terrible and illegal conditions they allow their residents to live in.

The event at Tilekiln Community Centre and Woody Wood Community Garden was well attended, even the MP turned up! Well done XR Housing Rebellion, an excellent event.

Hastings Independents feel it is really important to hear residents’ voices, supporting and developing resident activism, driving change from the grassroots, people power and a new kind of politics.

Cllr Maya Evans

Hastings News in Brief

How a decade of austerity has squeezed council budgets in England,

The Guardian, 29th Jan 2024

Hastings core spending power nearly halved by 49.5% between 2010-11 and 2023-24

Hastings Independents Party Launch

Hastings Independent Press, 1st February 2024

The newly formed Hastings Independents Party celebrated the launch of its breakaway political venture with 50 people crammed into Mike’s Bar in Norman Road

How to donate to Hastings Independents

Standing Up for Ourselves


News from Hastings Independents