Standing Up for Ourselves

Dear Supporter,

We are making real progress.

This week we have had plenty of applications to stand as Hastings Independent candidates in the May local elections. We are considering which wards to target, and unlike the other parties we will announce who will stand where very soon.

Tonight I was delighted to introduce a good news budget for Hastings at Full Council. A budget that protects front line services, protects our reserves and transforms back office by sharing services with others.

It will give new confidence and impetus to tackling deprivation and regeneration, and was carried with only Labour voting against.

And on Sunday we hold our second assembly. This time we will focus on planning better sports and play provision across the town, and will meet from 10.30 at Hollington Utd FC on Wishing Tree Road.

Hope to see you then,


Watch Full Budget Council from last night

Hastings Council delivers a 3-year balanced budget plan

Last night, (Wednesday 21st Feb 2024) at Hastings Budget Council, Hastings Independents Cabinet lead for finance presented a fully balanced 3-year council budget for the town. This with the background of huge pressure on Council finances as they continue to absorb both further government cuts to the budget, and also house record numbers of homeless local residents and families, forced to come to the council for support as private rents continue to rise and the cost-of-living crisis hits family budgets hard.

“This is a good news budget, and will bring new confidence to the council and the town. Talk of section 114 and bankruptcy are old news, as we have, with hard work and tough decisions, produced a budget that officers and Councillors support. This will not only protect front line services, but also give our partners and investors confidence that Hastings continues to thrive and grow for all residents” said Hastings Independents Cabinet lead for finance Cllr Paul Barnett.

He added “As a town we can now look forward to a Council which enables investment and development as well as having a strong vision for its future. The officers now have clear political direction and support to deliver on the savings and changes needed to produce a leaner, more creative council that can drive this amazing town forward”.

HI ‘Town-wide Debates

Come along to the second ‘Town-wide Debates’ hosted by Hastings Independents, this one will be on the theme of sports & play facilities in our town.  

HI open forum community discussions are events which will help us formulate policy and projects for the town.

Hastings Independents Party is people powered by locals, for locals.


Happy International Women’s Day


Hastings Independents Launch ‘Town-Wide Debates’