Rise and Resist


Just three months since forming a new local political party, the HASTINGS INDEPENDENTS GROUP have announced the 8 candidates standing in the local elections on May 2.

They are all new fresh faces, apart from Maya Evans who is re-standing in Hollington, and all bring a wide range of skills and experience from real jobs in our local community.

Our message of a strong local voice standing up for the views of our residents is clearly in tune with many local people, and we are hearing across the town how fed up many are with national parties who all sound the same.

Hastings residents are asking for immediate action on six priorities, and don’t think that any national party is listening. HASTINGS INDEPENDENTS are listening, and will call out those who are failing us all, without fear or favour.

It is time for change.


1) Access to health locally. Hastings has far too few GPs and many are fed up with waiting to see one.

2) The state of our roads. The worst pot holes in Susses, no sign of the county council dealing with it.

3) Damp and mouldy housing. Landlords, public and private, failing their tenants.

4) The state of our schools. Worst exclusion rates in the south of England, unaccountable Academies.

5) No end to the war in Gaza. And this is leading to increased anti Muslim and anti Jewish feelings.

6) The state of our seas. Criminal levels of sewage leaked by an unaccountable Southern Water.

Paul Barnett, Leader of Hastings Independents, said “ I became a councillor simply to help improve peoples lives. It has become clear that the best way of doing this, of challenging the broken system, is to be a local independent voice, free from national control.

Having made this happen decisively, we will be equally strong calling out those who are failing Hastings. Residents deserve better, Hastings needs its own voice. We will deliver that and change will happen. “

Independents Fundraiser

We would very much like to thank all the bands who performed last night, Allie K Stewart, @alliekstewart_music Chimer @chimer_chimer_chimer and Borough Council @boroughcouncil_ . A fantastic turn out, lots of excitement for a new political party built on a radical political movement. Funds raised will go towards our campaigning efforts to make beautiful Hastings a thriving and more equal place for everyone.


If I can't dance, it's not my revolution! If I can't dance, I don't want your revolution! If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution. A revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having. If there won't be dancing at the revolution, I'm not coming. No sacrifice is lost for a great ideal!

Emma Goldman

Join us for a weekend of radical action

Flyer for the film 'Revolution Anyone'

Sat 12 Noon March to ‘Genocide Dynamics’

Meet noon by the Clarence Road entrance to Alexandra Park for a march to General Dynamics on the Castleham Estate

  • General Dynamics is the 5th biggest arms manufacturer in the world, last year making $26.3bn

  • There are 2 General Dynamics plants located in Hollington

  • General Dynamics exports components to Israel

  • The British arms industry is heavily subsidised by the British tax payer

  • Hollington is within the 10% most deprived areas in the country, over 1,000 children are living below the poverty line

    #FoodNotBombs #HomesNotGenocide #AnotherWorldisPossible

    Sat 3pm Revolution Anyone? The System is Rigged

    Premiering at the Observer Building, Hastings, doors 2.30pm

    Revolution Anyone is a documentary which draws comparisons with Robert Tressell's seminal Socialist text 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists' – 120 years later, inequality and the Ruling Class still reign. Featuring: MPs JEREMY CORBYN, JOHN McDONNELL, RICHARD BURGON, MHAIRI BLACK; comedian JO BRAND; journalist/sociologist GARY YOUNGE; social cinema guru KEN LOACH; and Hastings Independents very own PAUL BARNETT (ex leader of the council) & MAYA EVANS (ex deputy leader of the council). Tickets £10 #RevolutionAnyone

Sun 2pm Hollington Canvass

Meet at the Robsack Community Centre

Bodium Drive, TN38 9TW

Join Maya in the ‘Battle of Hollington’

Last November Hollington Councillor and then deputy leader of the council Maya Evans was blocked for spurious reasons by the Labour Party from re-standing in her seat in Hollington. Since leaving the Labour Party to co-found Hastings Independents the ward has now become a key election battle field, holding great symbolic importance for both Parties. Come and help Maya defend her seat. #VoteMaya #BattleOfHollington #2May If you get lost call 07973 484 202.

Leaflet about Maya Evans's black mould campaign


‘Defiance’ was screened all this week on Ch4, documenting the 1970’s Bengali civil rights movement which sparked in Brick Lane and Southall after the murder of Bengali youths by the fascist national front. The 3 part series includes interviews and original footage of the brave Bengali activists who defended their communities and went on strike. The British civil rights movement saw the coming together of both Black & Asian Communities to physically defend themselves and form a grassroots movement which changed history. Directly relevant to HI, Maya’s dad Aloke Biswas features in the documentary declaring the “First Black Strike in England” - do look out for him!

Flyer for Channel 4 documentary 'Defiance: Fighting the Far Right'



The Independence Movement Gets Bigger