Happy International Women’s Day

Dear Supporter

On International Women’s Day we are reminded of all the brave and incredible women who fought, and in some cases died, for the right to vote. I decided to stand for council after someone inspired me to ‘be the change you want to see’. In these current times of uninspiring and stagnant national party politics, Hastings Independents and other such grassroots independent candidates, are now carrying the flame of hope and real change from the bottom up. I am so proud to be standing and working with this slate of incredible women, individually and collectively they embody the change we all so desperately want to see. Happy International Women’s Day.

Collage of the Hastings women councilllors and council candidates

Maya Evans

2024 continues to be really busy for Hastings Independents. We have now selected our candidates for the local elections on May 2, and what an inspirational bunch they are!

They are importantly not current politicians but are all already involved in various ways in their local community, and will bring new energy, passion and experience to Hastings Council.

We have leaders of residents associations, community campaigners, special needs teachers, artists joining the only one of our current 8 councillors up for election this time, peace campaigner and community champion extraordinaire Maya Evans (see attached Hollington leaflet).

All of the 8 current Hastings Independent councillors and all of our new candidates are holding a photo call this Saturday at 12 noon. You are welcome to join us, to meet everyone, inspire us even more, and of course be in the picture if you wish!


Thank you for the donations which are now arriving! Many of you have asked how can you help over the next few weeks, so here are five suggestions:

-         Come and help deliver our leaflets across Hastings. Starting next week, we have bright new leaflets ready to explain to residents how we offer something quite bold and different. You can join us on a delivery round, or we can drop a bundle off for you to do in your own time.

-         Come and meet us on Saturday, take your own photo and share with your friends and family.

-         Join a door knocking session, its inspiring as we hear time and again on the doorstep how residents have been waiting for an independent Hastings voice to shout about their priorities.

-         Spread the word: copy this newsletter to everyone you know and encourage them to sign up as a supporter too!

-         If you don’t have much time, then just make a donation to help with our campaign. We have thousands of leaflets and posters to print, and are totally self financing, so any amount, small or large would really help. Bank account details are below for online transfers. If you give more than £50 (as several already have) we need your name and address to permissibility check and register the donation , so please email me when you have transferred your gift.

Those of you who want to deliver or door knock, please email me at paul.barnett53@gmail.com and I will send you details for next week.

We have already started door knocking and the response right across town, from Hollington to Baird, has been so positive, just confirming that Hastings is ready for this new kind of politics. But we cant do justice to this without your help.

So, look forward to hearing from you, or seeing you on Saturday,


Hastings Independents are: Cllrs Paul Barnett, Maya Evans, Andy Batsford, Ali Roark, John Cannan, Nigel Sinden, Mike Turner and Simon Willis.

Image of page 2 of Maya Evans leaflet

Volunteer with the Hastings Independents!

Selfie of five HI councillors out canvassing

We need canvassers, leaflet deliverers, designers, social media & web designers, organisers, campaigners, and all your

talents and skills.

To get involved email: paul.barnett53@gmail.com


The Independence Movement Gets Bigger


Standing Up for Ourselves